6 Things to Take with you when escaping domestic violence

- Money – You can guess the importance of this. You’ll be able to use this for gas, food, living expenses, toiletries, etc.
- Emergency Phone Numbers – have numbers of friends, family and trustworthy people so you can still contact them when you leave, even if you don’t have your cell phone.
- Medications – Make sure that if you or your children are in need of certain medications to grab those, especially if they are necessary for life threatening conditions (insulin, heart medication, etc.)
- Extra keys to your house and car – You may need to go back to your home (with an escort) to collect various items that you weren’t able to collect when initially leaving. This way, in case your former-partner is being uncooperative you can still easily gain access to both your house and vehicles (make sure your name is on the title if you take a vehicle).
- Important papers – Be sure to take birth certificates, restraining orders, picture IDs and other important documents. Having these will allow you to more easily step into your new life and provide the necessary papers for legal documents.
- Clothes for you and your children
Our suggestion when leaving a domestic violence situation is that you should seek out your local domestic violence advocacy agency. They will often times have many of the items that you’ll need in order to get your new life started.
Check out this article at what items that you won’t necessarily need when coming to Haven House: https://havenhousefsc.com/6-things-that-you-dont-need-to-pack-when-coming-to-haven-house/[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]