Conexión entre Experiencias de Adverso en la Niñez y Violencia entre Pareja de Noviazgo
Conexión entre Experiencias de Adverso hacia el Niñez (ACEs) son incidentes traumáticos durante los primeros 18 años en la vida de una persona. Esto puede incluir, negligencia, violencia entre pareja
Connection between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Teen Dating Violence
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are traumatic incidences throughout the first eighteen years of a person’s life. This can include abuse, neglect, intimate partner violence (IPV), substance abuse, economic hardship, and
Teen Dating Violence Statistics
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. More than 1 in 10 teens who have been on a date have also been physically abused by a boyfriend or girlfriend
Deteniendo Violencia en las Parejas de Adolescentes
Deteniendo Violencia en las Parejas de Adolescentes: Violencia en las Parejas de Adolescentes, también referido como “violencia de noviazgo”, afecta millones de adolescentes en estado unidos cada año. Esto ocurre
5 Things You Can Do this Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Here are some ways you can spread the word! Share the Domestic Violence Hotline number on social media. The national DV hotline is: 1-800-799-7233. Haven
5 Ways To Promote Orange Day
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month is in February. Here are some ways to promote it! Tell everyone! Spread the word to people at school, work, in the community, at your place
Help us Raise Awareness
Find out some of the ways you can help raise awareness! Print off our flyer and hang it up at your work place or around the community Schedule a presentation
Dating Violence: 10 Warning Signs
Many of the domestic violence survivors that walk through the doors of Haven House visit with us about how it all began. Saying they wish they knew in their dating
Stalking: Things to Know
With January having been National Stalking Awareness Month it is key to not only recognize stalking behavior, but to be aware of how to deal with a stalker. Often times,