VINE has been providing victims and concerned citizens with the power of information for decades, allowing these individuals to have the sense of security that they deserve. VINELink can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide the most reliable information for custody status changes and criminal case information.
The VINE service provides information by phone, email, TTY, and text message where available. You may also sign up through your participating state, or county’s toll-free number.
Check out for more information. *Not for inmates in Nebraska*
Nebraska Victims of Crime Alert Program (NEVCAP)
Nebraska Victims of Crime Alert Program (NEVCAP) has been providing victims and concerned citizens with the power of information since 2021, allowing these individuals to have the sense of security that they deserve. NEVCAP can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide the most reliable information for custody status changes and criminal case information.
The NEVCAP service provides information by email and text message where available.
Check out for more information
Legal Aid
Legal Aid of Nebraska is the only statewide provider of free civil legal services across all 93 counties. Legal Aid of Nebraska helps Nebraskans learn their rights and obtain quality legal counsel and advocacy.
Check out for more information.
Immigrant Legal Center
Nebraska’s largest immigration legal services nonprofit that employs full-time licensed attorneys and provides legal services for low-income immigrants.
Check out for more information.